Saturday, March 13, 2010

Pro Male Hall of Fame

Thank you to Dove for Men for commercials that make men look sexy, attractive, and fulfilled while highlighting their relationships with their children. The new Dove for Men ads are not pinpointing fatherhood as the point behind the ad, or trying to pigeon hole men as fathers, but just showing men as whole beings, and including in that whole being a portrayal of these men as kind and loving, even affectionate fathers. When I watch these ads, I am more confident than ever that the movement of which I write is already underway, and I am optimistic for my own sons future in this society.

Hall of Shame? All of the super bowl ads, and the Olympics Tide ads that could easily say "To their parents, they are all champions." but instead decides to say, "To their moms..." thereby leaving me to wonder, and what about me..? Do I have a place in this process?

1 comment:

haggie said...

Whenever I encounter a storytime book that refers only to "Mom," I always change it to "Mom and Dad" or alternate between the two (unless there's a specific reason not to; I will leave my "daddy politics" on the sidelines if mom-centricity actually serves the story somehow). Us dads need more representation as true parental figures instead of simple sperm donors.